Welcome to Lichens NS, where a group of like-minded lichen enthusiasts of varying levels of expertise join together for the facilitation of lichen stewardship in Nova Scotia, where many lichen species are known to be rare or threatened.
News and Events
Please be safe and follow all Covid-19 guidelines during this pandemic, even when hunting for lichens in the great outdoors. We will resume organized lichen learning events when conditions are safe. Stay tuned!
Recent Activity
And the winners are!
Star-tipped Reindeer Lichen (Cladonia stellaris) is our national lichen! Visit this link for more details.

Blue felt lichen (Pectenia plumbea) is our provincial lichen! Visit this link for more details.

Lead by Alissa Allen, an intensive 3 day study of our amazing regional fungi and lichen dye palette will take place at Mamie’s Schoolhouse in Goose Cove, Cape Breton. Time spent outdoors learning to identify fungi and lichens, about ethical and ecological harvesting. Return to the studio, then learning to craft a rainbow of dyes.
June 8
Lichen enthusiasts are encouraged to join the Lichens NS team for a mini-bioblitz near Greenwood where Annapolis Valley sand barrens are known to occur. Expect to see Caribou lichens and other sand-loving species! Become a member to receive email updates on this event and others to come.

April 26-29
Lichen lovers can support the HRM Nature Challenge April 26-29 by recording lichens for the 2019 global iNaturalist city biodiversity challenge. Visit this website for more info. UPDATE: If you've been collecting lichens as part of the City Nature Challenge you can bring your specimens to the Nova Scotia Natural History Museum on Monday, April 29th from 7-9 pm. Meet on the lower level of the Museum (use the door by the south parking lot) and work will be carried out in the project room. Training and identification assistance will be provided by Dr. Sean Haughian with the help of microscopes and other technology.
Did You Know?
The number of lichen species in Nova Scotia is estimated at ~1000. That's more than all species of birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, and reptiles combined.